Okie dokie WE BACK for part two of my anti-anxiety tricks for your reference in pandemic times and beyond. Yesterday we talked about CBD Oil which you can read all about here if you missed it, and today we’retalking about some Amazon Prime available goodies that are also pretty clutch for me when it comes to anxiety and stress relief.
VIEW POSTMy Anti-Anxiety Cocktail (That’s Surprisingly Not a Cocktail), Part 1
In light of the anxiety-inducing pandemic and resulting quarantine that we are all living through right now, I thought it might be helpful to share a few natural things that I’ve learned help me deal with my anxiety. I cannot take anti-depressants – I also happen to think they do far more harm than good, but that’s a story for another day – so I’ve spent the greater part of my adult life looking for my own remedies. Through lots of trial and error, I have finally come up with some things that work, and once you’re on the other side it is easy to see that NO, it is not normal to be freaked out all the time.
36… and I Still Don’t Know What I’m Doing
At my age birthdays are kind of just “eh”, aren’t they? In my true narcissist fashion, I used to LOVE my birthday and count down the minutes until it was required that everyone pay attention to me. The attention was my gift, acutal gifts were the icing on the cake. It legitimately took me until I turned 32 to realize that no one actually gives a shit. Well, maybe my parents for nostalgic reasons of their own, and potentially my husband because he knows he will have to deal with the wrath until at least my next birthday should I feel that my existence is not properly revered and celebrated on the day of my birth, but everyone else? Ummm, pretty much no.
Reflections of a Road Rage Incident
WELP. It happened again yesterday. Another early meeting, another road rage incident. You guys, I’ve been in more car-ltercations than I care to admit, including – but not limited to – getting out of my vehicle at a red light when I was five months pregnant after a silly young man in a wifebeater mistakenly thought he could cut me off and then call me the c-word (and I don’t mean “cute”) when I honked at him… I think I’m still in trouble with the hubs for that one. WHOOPSAYY.VIEW POST
Will the Real Slim Katie Please Stand Up?
*Disclaimer: If you don’t get the reference of the post title, you may not like what comes next.*
Friends. I have to admit something to you all and I’ll try to do it in less than 4.3 million words. I’m afraid I’ve been trying to fit a square peg (me) into a round hole (this blog).VIEW POST
FLOATING: Sensory Deprivation Therapy {Project Get Happy}
Hi bloggy friends! Sorry if I scared you by taking a blog break after my nervous breakdown post! We’ve been really busy. If you’re new here, I’m pregnant, I’m a mess, it’s the holidays, and we’re moving. This Friday. After I wrote that last spill-my-guts post, some really great things have happened. First and foremost, so many of you shared with me that you feel or have felt the exact same way that I do. It means so much to me to know that we’re in this thing together, so thank you! Also, I’ve started making some changes to work on my own happiness, and so far the results have been… interesting. And good. Today I’m going to tell you about my experience “Floating” this past Saturday! Up until about two weeks ago I had never heard of Floating or Sensory Deprivation Therapy, but it’s really interesting and pretty cool. It involves a dark pod, warm salty water, your brain, and well… floating. Today I’m sharing my experience at the newly opened H2Om FLOAT here in Jacksonville!
What Makes You Happy? No, Really.
On Thanksgiving we announced to the social media world that I am pregnant with our second babe. I’m so relieved to finally be able to talk about it here on the blog. I’m certain that I’m not the only woman out there who starts growing a human and consequently begins to reevaluate ummmm, basically life as we know it. I look at my daughter when I’m rocking her to sleep at night and think, “she deserves better.” I go to work and I think, “this is not my dream.” I recall my interactions with the people I love on a daily basis and think, “this is not who I want to be.” Pretty heavy, right? I’m not saying I’m a terrible, miserable person (all the time), but I could do better and I know that. All of this recent reflection has led me to one conclusion… I need to know what makes me happy and then go for it. If someone asked you the question “what makes you happy?” What would your answer be?VIEW POST