Hi bloggy friends! Sorry if I scared you by taking a blog break after my nervous breakdown post! We’ve been really busy. If you’re new here, I’m pregnant, I’m a mess, it’s the holidays, and we’re moving. This Friday. After I wrote that last spill-my-guts post, some really great things have happened. First and foremost, so many of you shared with me that you feel or have felt the exact same way that I do. It means so much to me to know that we’re in this thing together, so thank you! Also, I’ve started making some changes to work on my own happiness, and so far the results have been… interesting. And good. Today I’m going to tell you about my experience “Floating” this past Saturday! Up until about two weeks ago I had never heard of Floating or Sensory Deprivation Therapy, but it’s really interesting and pretty cool. It involves a dark pod, warm salty water, your brain, and well… floating. Today I’m sharing my experience at the newly opened H2Om FLOAT here in Jacksonville!
What Makes You Happy? No, Really.
On Thanksgiving we announced to the social media world that I am pregnant with our second babe. I’m so relieved to finally be able to talk about it here on the blog. I’m certain that I’m not the only woman out there who starts growing a human and consequently begins to reevaluate ummmm, basically life as we know it. I look at my daughter when I’m rocking her to sleep at night and think, “she deserves better.” I go to work and I think, “this is not my dream.” I recall my interactions with the people I love on a daily basis and think, “this is not who I want to be.” Pretty heavy, right? I’m not saying I’m a terrible, miserable person (all the time), but I could do better and I know that. All of this recent reflection has led me to one conclusion… I need to know what makes me happy and then go for it. If someone asked you the question “what makes you happy?” What would your answer be?VIEW POST
Car Seat Safety 101 {& Big Mistakes We’ve All Made}
People. This was not a post that I planned on writing, but over the last few days I’ve seen so many pictures on social media, both Halloween and voting selfies, that have shown kids improperly strapped in car seats that I think I’m about to lose my mind. We’ve become so detrimentally PC that we are afraid to say anything to anyone at any time that may be perceived as “interfering”, but this is far too important to just keep your mouth shut. When it comes to keeping people that I love safe, I will get all up in your business in half a hot minute. End of story. So on that note, here is a quick Car Seat Safety 101 lesson for those of you that have a kid, know people with kids, or have ever seen a kid in your life. VIEW POST
Secrets to Survive Pregnancy
Happy ‘Tini Friday! I had an extra cup of coffee and am feeling ambitious, so I’m sneaking in one more post this week. This is the first post in a series about pregnancy, labor/birth, and the first year with a baby. If this is not your deal, tune out and it won’t hurt my feelings, but I’m doing it because I WISH that when I was pregnant I had been able to find a blog where someone who’d just been through it laid it all out there and said “this is the no bullsh!t version of everything that you need and everything that will happen”, so hopefully this will help someone who is in the same overstuffed shoes that I was in about 20 months ago. This first post is mostly a reminder for myself about how to survive being a pregnant person, should we ever be brave enough to have a second little crumbsnatcher. It took me far too long to figure out most of these tricks, so here’s the cheat sheet version of Secrets to Survive Pregnancy for sweaty, swollen, beautiful preggies everywhere!
Bless You. Whole Day.
Guys it’s ‘Tini Friday Eve and I am so pumped. This has been a long week. It started with the super speeder ticket – which ONLY cost $325 btw!!! I feel like I made $200! – and it’s been a little grueling since then. Point being, I’m ready for a dirty martini. It’s not even so much about the ‘tinis, but the fact that Lane and I just plan on this evening each week to shut the rest of all the garbage out and chilllll. We talk and laugh, it’s just fun and usually much needed. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day craziness that sometimes it can feel like after we put Lila to bed, Friday night is the first time we really even look at each other all week.VIEW POST
Confessions of a Super Speeder
Sighhhhhh. I did it again. And I wasn’t even in a hurry. At this point in my life I honestly don’t know how many speeding tickets I’ve gotten. Maybe ten? Maybe that’s not a TON for sixteen years of driving… maybe it is? I don’t know. I’m so far deep in this Super Speeder thing that I can’t see the forest for the trees anymore. VIEW POST
That Coke I Like So Much
Happy Weekend people!! I sit here feeling gluttonous and gross because, you guessed it, I finally got my Taco Bell fix. Never in the history of my life have I eaten Taco Bell for lunch, but as we all know, there isn’t a cheesy core burrito to be found once I make it out to Suburbialand, so today I went for it.
Homes Are For Now, Not Forever
When we moved here seven years ago I could not for the life of me understand why anyone who lived in Jacksonville would want to live anywhere other than where Lane and I ended up. It was the perfect little spot, nestled safely in an established residential area, with downtown 15 minutes to one side, and the ocean 10 minutes to the other. “Across the ditch”, as we say here in Jax, (which means on the other side of the Intercoastal bridge from the beach) and a mere three minutes from Target and basically any eatery you could imagine. It should have been our FOREVER HOME, right?
Cut to seven years later and we are smack-dab in the middle of minivan mecca, without so much as a Taco Bell for an available dining option past 9 p.m. So why did we do it?